Did you ever work at a summer camp?
Most adults remember the fun times, silly games, and weird stories they experienced as a kid at camp. Camps and retreats are incredible tools that churches and non-profits leverage to connect kids, students, and families with Jesus. During these weeks distractions are limited and the Gospel of Jesus is magnified.
But all of these camps don’t magically happen – it takes months of preparation, planning, and training to ensure camps run smoothly when the students show up on campus.
When I worked as a camp director we were always in need of high school and college age employees to run our day-to-day operations, offices, maintain facilities, and lead their peers.
Now, as a family pastor, I encourage our high school and college students to work at camps during the summer months. Some are able to devote their entire break to working at a camp, but others are only able to serve a week or two because of their sports schedules. Either way, working at a camp invests spiritually and professionally in a student’s life.
There are plenty of camps that your student could get involved in: day camps, music camps, traditional summer camps, conferences, and so on.
Regardless of the type of camp the truth is that serving at a camp is the best summer job for students to discover how God has wired them.
If you are a parent who is wondering what your student should do this summer, here are some reasons as to why they should consider working at a camp.
5 Reasons Your Student Should Work At Camp
Your Student Will Grow Spiritually
Would you rather your child to work with someone who views him or her as an employee or as a brother/sister in Christ? All of us need environments that promote spiritual growth and a camp is a perfect place for students to use God’s Word. As students use share their testimony, lead Bible studies, and pray for others they will develop a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Your Student Will Develop Christian Friendships
As your student hangs out with the camp staff they will develop some strong friendships with other Christians teenagers and young adults. This new peer group can be a catalyst for encouragement, growth, and community that your student has been searching for in high school.
Your Student Will Discover His Giftedness
Students hate the question, “What are you going to be when you grow up?” Let’s face it; you didn’t know when you were their age either! Camps will expose students to a wide variety of jobs. They will coordinate volunteers, lead games, write lessons, post to social medias, work with their hands, and lead a staff. As they are doing ministry they will discover how God has designed them for ministry.
Your Student Will Make An Impact In The Kingdom Of God
This is a no-brainer. Your student will be making an impact in the Kingdom of God instead of making milkshakes at the local diner or playing video games all summer long. Believers are called to be doers of God’s Word, no matter their age.
Your Student Will Be Developed Professionally
Camps provide on-the-job training that impacts students professionally as well as spiritually. While working at camps I have learned how to be a part of a team, lead a staff, and prepare meeting notes. I also learned how to relate with others, marketing, fundraising, time management and more. Since students are working in a variety of areas they are trained to be a well-rounded employee.
Now What?
How will your student spend their summer?
If you need help looking for opportunities, contact your church or local denomination to see what opportunities are available in your area.