Every leader feels the pressure to complete more.
- Create more products.
- Meet more people.
- Attend more meetings.
- Write more posts.
The pressure for more is a leadership constant. Entrepreneurs and leaders rarely experience contentment. But how could we? We tend to see the broken aspects of the world and are wired to fix, adjust, and change.
So, we end up working longer hours, pushing families, businesses, and ourselves to the limit.
In the name of doing “more” we fine-tune our personal disciplines and meticulously monitor our progress. Our source of guidance and direction come from our:
- Schedules
- Deadlines
- Processes
- To-Do List
Can we be real for a minute? You can’t get everything done.
If you are anything like me I bet you know that this is a reality, but it doesn’t stop you from being consumed with worry and stress.
There are some items on my list that I am incapable of accomplishing. In fact, there are many items that I have absolutely no power over.
That is why I have started creating to-do lists for God.
Now, before you think this is the most arrogant concept that you have ever heard of (I know that I am a nobody and that God does not take orders from me) my intention is to create a space that is a reminder that God is God and I am not. There are conversations, situations, and projects that I cannot control. I need to hand them over to the One who has control and dominion so I can stop worrying about them and focus on the tasks that God has for me today.
We make lists for our employees to take ownership of, why not acknowledge God’s part in your work life?
Why Create a God To-Do List?
1. Admits Your Dependence Upon God
Like I said, we need a daily reminder that our power fails in comparison to God’s. By God’s grace you are in a place of authority and influence. Don’t forget to depend on His strength and wisdom as you lead.
2. Increases Your Prayer Life
Making a “God To-Do List” is essentially the practice of writing down prayer requests. I would suggest that you pray through any to-do lists that you create, but shifting tasks from your side to God’s is an easy way to start praying.
3. Shifts Your Focus on What God Has For You To Do Right Now
You need to do what God has given you to do for the day. Stop worrying about the situations you cannot change, instead you are investing in the areas that God has planted you. The deeper the roots you develop now, the stronger your leadership will be tomorrow.
Now What?
What items and task are weighing on your heart that you need to hand over to God?
Your pride will want you to depend on your own strength. Fight the urge to do more and start pursuing a God-honoring philosophy of work.