It is hard to imagine what life would be like in the first century.
How did student ministry thrive before Wal-Mart and smartphones??
Shoot, most regions of America have had indoor plumbing for less than 100 years!
Needless to say, the church has seen thousands of changes over the last 2,000 years. From church polity to buildings, and programs, churches have been no strangers to change. The mission of the church is eternal, but the methods are constantly changing!
But unfortunately, many local congregations struggle with implementing change.
When we make big things out of the small items we will never address the larger issues.
I am convinced that most churches do not grow because they are spinning their wheels on petty complaints and minor issues.
Just for fun here are a list of complaints early church members never said.
I need a reminder every now and again that our church gatherings are about making Jesus known in our hearts and in our communities. I need a reminder that our complaints are often foolish and 1st-world problems that typically show our lack of commitment to Jesus.
10 Things the Early Church Never Complained About
10. “The music is too loud.”
9. “I can’t believe the pastor preaches from an iPad!”
8. “I hope we can park our mule closer to the church this week.”
7. “The transition from songs to the offertory prayer was a bit awkward…”
6. “It appalls me that I would have to bring my child to service with me on the 5th Sunday.”
5. “Why can’t we adjust the thermostat? Do they not know it is summer?”
4. “Someone sat in my seat!”
3. “Student worship never ends on time.”
2. “They left my announcement out of the bulletin!”
1. “Are they really asking us to serve again? That is what we pay the staff to do!”
The book of Acts paints a picture of the JOY that came from a group that was largely persecuted. The early church didn’t complain about the petty issues, but pray about the larger situations. Their faith in Jesus overcame their need for control.
What complaints would you add to this list?