Can I go ahead and establish that basketball is the greatest sport ever?
Since I was a kid, my passion in life has been playing ball. I played so much basketball, I would keep an extra pair of clothes in the trunk of my car just in case someone, somewhere wanted to play basketball!
I was blessed to have played basketball in high school and was an All-American in college. (Christian college league in case you were wondering!) While I didn’t make it to the pros, I had a ton of fun and developed many life-skills from the sport.
Few things in life have developed my character like basketball. I learned how to handle difficult situations, was taught the value of hard work, and was forced to rally around whatever team I was placed on. Now that I am a pastors, most of the leadership lessons I learned from dribbling a ball around a court have directly impacted my ministry.
Here are 11 ministry lessons I learned from playing college basketball.
1. Rest when you are hurt.
Teams suffer when players play injured. When you need a break, take one. The church will go down with you when you try to lead injured (ask Mark Driscoll).
2. Utilize the team you HAVE and develop them to be the team you NEED.
Life isn’t a video game – you don’t get fantasy draft your ideal ministry team. I never had a say as to which players were on my college team. I was charged with being successful with the coach and teammates that were placed around me. Leaders develop the teams that they are dealt and add people strategically as they go. You won’t be able to fire your entire staff and start from scratch. How can you develop the team that you have?
3. Focus on the fundamentals daily.
Seriously. The greatest basketball players practice the same drills day after day. Church leaders should never stop reading, praying, and practicing spiritual disciplines.
4. People only see the games.
The average person never sees the hours of work that you put into ministry. On the other side of the coin, it is tempting to take shortcuts because of the lack of accountability. You may be able to float by on natural talent, but eventually, people will notice if you are a person of integrity.
5. Follow the leadership of your coach or switch teams.
You can always transfer to another team.If you don’t align with your senior leadership’s philosophy, it will be a long and tiring season.
6. Be a student of the game.
ALWAYS learn, study, analyze, and critique so that you can improve. Never stop questioning, creating, and improving the church and your leadership ability.
7. Don’t be afraid to take the shot.
Challenges never hold off until you are thoroughly prepared (this is a reason we practice the fundamentals daily). Step up and take your best shot. Remember: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky
8. When you are on the bench, take the opportunity to encourage those on the front lines.
Great leaders encourage others to be better, to give more, and to internalize the vision. You won’t be on the front lines in every ministry. As the church grows, you will be encouraging others work in the ministry as you work on the ministry.
9. Be able to operate outside of the called play.
When opportunities arise, make the most of them. Robots are cold and can only think about the assigned task. Don’t walk through life as one! Create opportunities for success. Sure you will fail every now and again, but don’t lose heart, you will get the ball back on your side of the court soon enough.
10. Your biggest cheerleaders are often your loudest critics.
‘Nuff said.
11. Surround yourself with those greater than yourself.
Never settle for being the smartest person in the room. Surround yourself with people who will push you to use your spiritual gifts in a God-honoring way.
Maybe you didn’t play sports, but the truths are universal to our ministries, lives, families, and careers.
Do you have any lessons you have learned from sports that you would add to the list?