How much space does your child need?

As parents, this is a question we wrestle with as our kids grow up. When our kids are young they love spending time with us as we work, watch movies, and eat meals around the table but one day everything seems to switch and they become independent kids!

When this independent stage begins parents are often confused if they should serve in the kids ministry while their child is in elementary school.

I fully understand that there are parents who selfishly hover over their children (post to come soon with reasons that you should not serve in the kids ministry with your child). But for this post I am going to offer two reasons that a humble parent should consider serving in the kids ministry at their local church.

2 Reasons Parents Should Serve In Kids Ministry

Your Child Will See You Follow Jesus

Parents are the biggest influence in a child’s life. Now, this influence will either be positive or negative. If you are able to serve I would suggest that you start talking to your kids ministry leadership about where you can get plugged in. Why? So that you will start to positively influence your child’s life. When you serve in the kids ministry your child begins to see that you are a Jesus worshipper and that you follow him in your day-to-day life. This can create a powerful and positive influence as your child matures into the teenage years.

You Will Influence Your Kids Friends With The Gospel

The biggest influences in a kid’s life is the parent, but their friends are often the second biggest influencer. Serving in the kids ministry allows you to build biblical community with other parents who are walking through the same phase of life as you are. Investing in other families will begin to shape a healthy community of Jesus worshippers that will influence your family in the years to come.

Now What?

Before you commit to a ministry you need to prayerfully consider your heart, your spiritual giftedness, and your schedule. If you feel as if the kids ministry would be an area that you need to invest in, send your family pastor an email and schedule a meeting to start the conversation about what your next steps will be! 

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