What is the secret to growing student ministries?
Is it their facilities?
What about their budgets?
Perhaps their events?
We put a ton of stock on various programming aspects in student ministries, but we all know that we can get sucked into the sin of coveting someone else’s model of ministry.
While we all know this temptation we need to be reminded of this truth:
Pastors aren’t called to emulate ministry models, but to imitate Jesus Christ.
Often we want to experience numerical growth without emphasizing spiritual growth.
As I have been connecting with student pastors who lead various size ministries I have seen these two concepts as the foundations to their spiritual growth.
Here are two quick observations.
2 Values Of Growing Student Ministries
They Are Focused On Growing Relational With God And Others
Growing student ministries place an emphasis on building a relationship with Jesus and others. This isn’t an slogan or an add-on to what they are doing. Each event, group, camp, and worship service points students to know God and others through spiritual disciplines.
They Are Prayerfully Obedient
Growing student ministries don’t just act they prayerfully obedient. Each decision is bathed in prayer. Each small group actively prays. Many ministries move for movements sake, but student ministries that are spiritually growing prayerfully walk in obedience to Jesus.
Now What?
Obviously these are not exhaustive lists to lead student ministries in spiritual growth.
Growing spiritually is not rocket science. It doesn’t take complex methods, but intentionality.