I love reading and spend a significant amount of time each week consuming various blogs, books, and news outlets to keep me focused. And, depending on who you talk to, I might be addicted to buying books. My office might be covered with books… The struggle for shelf space is definitely real though – I am having to start stacking them on random flat surfaces! The question has become, “Do I keep the picture of my kids during our beach vacation or use that space to stack books?”
Sadly I feel like the minority when it comes to reading. Too many people are quick to dismiss disciplines because of their daily demands. Learning is a discipline that is developed and maintained. As I talk to people it is clear that they value the idea of learning and reading, but can’t find time to invest in their own personal development. Strong leaders are learners regardless of how busy their schedules become.
I am in no way an expert in time management but here are a few hacks I have used to fuel my hunger for learning.
Life Hacks To Help You Learn Throughout The Day
Start Listening To Audiobooks and (Quality) Podcasts
Audiobooks and podcasts are a great resource to utilize during your commute, while you are mowing the yard, as you complete your morning workout regimen. When you start adding the time you waste listening to talk radio or pop music you can spend significant time absorbing to new ideas. Each week I am able to listen to four to five podcasts on current events, sermons, or leadership ideas by simply listening while I workout and mow my yard.
Read One Chapter Per Day
For some the thought of reading a book is overwhelming. An easy way to read a book is to break it into manageable chunks. I aim to read one chapter of a book per day. At that rate I can read through a book in a couple weeks. If this is too much, cut it back to a chapter every three days.
Study One Topic Per Month
Since I am a pastor I spend significant time preparing sermons, bible lessons, and talks. One way I focus in on my study is to spend one month researching, praying through, and learning about one doctrine, idea, or person per month. Over the course of a year I am able to develop a deep grasp of twelve biblical doctrines.
Follow Local and National News Outlets on Twitter
If I had to guess I bet that you do not have a daily newspaper subscription. Print media has taken a hit since the rise of the digital age, but news outlets have figured out how to share stories on social media. Twitter will show you the most recent posts from those your follow. Add in a few news accounts and your Twitter feed will deliver you the top stories in real time.
Now What?
How are you setting aside time to learn in spite of your busy schedule?