Let me guess …
You’re on a team of people trying to do something important, but sometimes it feels like progress has stalled.
You see the potential for your team to make a real impact in your church, your community, or maybe even in your state, the nation, or the world. But instead of seeing lives impacted for God, you see a team divided and/or consumed by petty issues.
If this is you, it’s possible your team doesn’t yet have the right core values.
Somewhere along the way, American churches have communicated that comfort trumps the Great Commission.
Churches have created cultures where we beg, coddle, and guilt people into doing what God commands them to do instead of cultivating people who love God and want others to love Him too.
If this is how we fill spots on our ministry teams, then all the members of those teams will be focused on themselves instead of the mission of sharing Jesus. Most of the problems ministry leaders (whether staff or volunteer leaders) face are about preference and comfort instead of the real priority: sharing the Gospel.
It’s time to evaluate your team’s core values. There are a few core values every team needs in order to succeed and keep the focus on sharing Jesus instead of the team members’ personal preferences.
5 Core Values Your Team Must Foster to Succeed
It seems that most people love receiving grace but hate extending it. Thriving teams assume that no one is perfect and trust that everyone is working together for the greater good. There are no substitutes for humility and faith.
Are you all working toward the same goal? Great teams are comprised of people who excel in their specific roles. Every role is strategic. Every role is valued. Every role is essential. When all parts work together, the engine runs smoothly. When one person wants to be the loudest and get attention, the team starts to backfire. Those who want to show off often silence others’ great ideas.
Thriving teams work well together. This is more than a work relationship; teams are invested in each other’s lives. Team members have developed a sense of community. Isolation leads to jealousy, frustration, worry, and loneliness.
Never bring up a problem if you are unwilling to find a solution. When organizational or operational changes need to be made, great teams are willing to roll up their sleeves and contribute toward the solution – not just state the problem.
Nothing divides a team faster than gossip. Confidential issues must remain confidential. Issues must be addressed directly and in person. Thriving teams make it a point to spread gratefulness instead of gossip. They support and value people’s contributions enough to treat them with respect, dignity, and kindness.
These are the values I have found helpful in taking an existing team and giving it the boost it needs to start making a bigger impact. If a team can stack hands on these five values and commit themselves to upholding them individually and as a group, the team dynamic will change and God will use that group of people in ways they never expected or imagined.
I’m always looking for more ways to motivate myself and my team members to go deeper in our pursuit of God and in our pursuit of His Great Commission. What are the ways you achieve this at your church?