No one wants to embrace awkwardness. In fact, most of us wish we could remove our most embarrassing moments from our memories.
But Sammy Rhodes has a different thought: he believes that we should embrace our awkwardness because it leads to a vulnerability that God uses for His glory.
In This Is Awkward: How Life’s Uncomfortable Moments Open the Door to Intimacy and Connection, Rhodes lets readers know that God’s glory shines through the awkward moments. He uses life stories to open up about topics like pornography, insecurity, weight loss, divorce, and depression to shine light on the fact that we all have gaps and are not as put together as we claim to be. The message is simple: Don’t waste your awkwardness.
I enjoyed working through the book. Rhodes writing style is extremely conversational, blunt, and transparent. It was refreshing to read a book from an author who is willing to discuss his faults and struggles in an effort to inspire others to depend on the forgiveness and grace of Jesus.
This is a worthwhile read that will open up avenues of conversation about taboo topics in many church cultures.
Top Quotes from This Is Awkward:
- “What awkward moments (and people) do is simply shine the spotlight on the gap, revealing the cracks in our humanity, no matter how shiny and cool we may seem on the outside.”
- “God’s love is the only love that can sustain a marriage because it is the only love that can promise it’s never going anywhere.”
- “The Lord loves to love people out of their lust in ways that begin to transform them from the inside out.”
- “He’s (Jesus) with me in the darkness and he’s for me through the darkness.”
- “The Lord doesn’t promise to never take us into the wilderness. This is the bad news. The good news is that even the wilderness is his, and he is there.”
(Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.)