This week I have resolved to get back into my running and weight lifting habits. You all know how it is; life gets busy and three weeks pass by without taking a run.
I follow a weight lifting video program each morning. Having a structure already laid out helps me focus in on my goals and get back into the routine.
One thing that always frustrates me is when I am watching these videos being led by men who look like Greek gladiators start communicating that I can receive their results by following this 45 minute a day workout program.
Seriously bro?
I can become a 2 time Mr. Universe by exercising 45 minutes a day?
Get real!
I wish they would stop portraying that the life of a fitness guru is easy.
Stop minimizing the struggle!
The truth is that these men and women who create these programs have dedicated their lives to fitness.
Day in and day out they are counting calories, spending loads of time doing cardio, eating a restricted diet, prioritizing their exercise in the midst of work and family schedules, and focusing on proper rest.
There is nothing more frustrating to someone just starting to workout then when a seasoned athlete shares that they only work out for 45 minutes and still eat 4,000 calories and are in peak physical condition.
Once people realize that exercise takes work, they can feel isolated because for some reason they are the only one this is difficult for.
This got me thinking about how frustrating some Christians can be when they talk about the ease of their Christian walk.
It seems as if they never have doubts, never experience trails, and never run out of faith.
Other people will look at these saints and become discouraged because their lives are anything but easy and faith is hardly ever easy.
So they give up.
There are no quick tricks for sanctification. Following Jesus is difficult for everyone, because it is against out heart’s desires.
Galatians 5:17 says, “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.”
Lets be careful of what we are communicating. Lets be real with our struggles.
No one is perfect. That is why we need Jesus.
The Christian life is far from easy. God is continually working on our pride, selfishness, and self-centeredness.
Living in authentic community will allow us opportunities to see how we are all far from perfect and how Jesus is sustaining all of us along the way.
Stop pretending following Jesus is easy. Our nature desires what is contrary to God’s Spirit. When we promote an ease of following Jesus, we discourage those who are struggling with spiritual disciplines. God gives us the ability to follow, but that doesn’t mean each step is an easy one.
Lets not minimize the faith and discipline required to follow Jesus.